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      Cart Subtotal: AED 0.00


      1. What countries is Design Topia in;

      Our location is in Al Ain UAE

      2. How can I order?

      You can order easily using our online platform. When you find a product you need, you can add it to cart, login and go through the ordering process. After the order is ready, you will receive order summary to your email. Order summary will also be stored to your account.

      You can also easily make reorders afterwards by clicking the “reorder” button on any of your previously made orders. After clicking the “reorder” button the cart will open and you can.

      3. What information should I input when ordering?

      Our online ordering system will ask for all the important information you should submit. If you have a VAT number, please remember to submit it. This will make sure the shipment is not delayed because of the lack of VAT number change quantities or products.

      4. What payment methods can I use?

      You can use all the major credit cards.

      5. How can I change delivery address?

      Sign in to your account and go to “my account”. On “my account” you can change all your contact information.

      6. What are the delivery charges?

      Delivery charges are dependent on the shipment requirements. If the products on your order are due to special requirements extra fee will be added to the shipment charges.

      7. How to contact customer service?

      If you have question regarding our online store (ordering, account questions, technical questions), please contact us at support@designtopia.ae

      8. Can I return a product?

      If you want to return a product, please contact us at support@designtopia.ae

      9. How do create an account?

      Go to this page https://designtopia.ae/ and click “create a new account”, then just fill in all the needed information and click “create”. After submitting the form, your account will be confirmed and you will be notified.

      10. How can I retrieve my password?

      You can retrieve your password by clicking “forgot password?” Instruction on password retrieval will be send to your email.

      11. How do I change my personal details or email address?

      You can easily change all your information on your account. Go to https://designtopia.ae/Customer/Account/Login, then Navigate to “My Account” > “ACCOUNT DETAILS”. Here you can change all your contact information.

      12. Security?

      Our web store is secured with SSL certificate. This means the information you input is encrypted and it will not be available for third parties.

      13. Shipping time?

      Shipping time will be confirmed on the order confirmation document.

      14. Shipping cost?

      Shipping costs are dependent on your location and products on your order. Our online store shows the shipping fee and shipping cost automatically on the checkout.

      15. How can I check the status of my order?

      We know you can't wait to receive your order, which is why we will be sure to notify you when your order ships via email.

      16. Can I cancel or change my order?

      We begin processing orders as soon as they are placed, for this reason we are unable to cancel or make changes to orders. Returns can be initiated through our returns page.

      17. Can I exchange my order?

      We do not offer exchanges at this time. If you’d like to make an exchange, simply return the unused goods back to us using our returns page and make a new purchase for the item or items you want through our site.

      18. How do I return my order?

      Returns are accepted for all items within 14 days of purchase. Please visit our returns page to initiate the returns process.

      How can we help you?